Movie Plot for: "Pikachu and Eevee's Friends"!

Por  Lawliet Shinzo     3/09/2013    Etiquetas:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 


"On a summer day,
Pikachu, Axew, Pansage and Oshawoot meet a Nymphia in a flower bed, and are invited into the forest.

There, they find the Eevee House, where Eevee and its friends live together!

The pampered Jolteon, the shy Flareon, as well as Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon and Glaceon.

Everyone loves Eeevee and it’s evolutions, and they all appear here.

And Meowth and Wobbuffet take part in the story too, as handsome housekeepers!?

All is set for an eventful sleepover to begin!"

Sobre Lawliet Shinzo

O Lawliet Shinzo é um dos membros fundadores do PokéCenter Blog. Um importante membro do projeto, marca presença em todas as frentes: blog, rádio, YouTube e revista.

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